What Law Office consulting clients say...

…[Easy Self-Audits…] one of the most valuable books I have read in 20 years on practice management

Your retreat presentation was excellent and we all had a great time. Thanks for delivering what was promised and much, much more!

"Your service far surpassed my expectations.."
Your service far surpassed my expectations…It was the best and probably the most important experience of my professional life! …About your book — Easy Self-Audits for the Busy Law Office — Every lawyer would benefit from just reading this book. If lawyers were to complete the audits and honestly answer each and every question, the book would change their lives. Bluntly put, it should be required reading — yearly. Every lawyer should have at least one copy, one thoroughly used copy!

I hired Nancy Byerly Jones & Associates, Inc. because I wanted to practice law in a more revolutionary way.

"..got a lot of much needed preventative maintenance.."
Working with Nancy Byerly Jones & Associates offered us a non-threatening approach to working with a serious problem. My office staff loved the beauty of the seminar location. We were put at ease and got a lot of much needed preventative maintenance done.

"The results through the years speak for themselves…"
Do Nancy Byerly Jones & Associates’ retreats work? The results through the years speak for themselves…by identifying all of our issues and working through them, we have more time and energy to practice law.

"She has been there for us for over 12 years.."
We are looking forward to our annual two days with Nancy. She has been there for us for over 12 years whenever anyone of us needed her advice or coaching.

"..a consultant who understands the value of staff.."
The entire staff appreciates hiring of a consultant who understands the value of staff and who worked with us in such a respectful and productive manner.

"..we feel re-energized.."
Once again, we feel re-energized for another year ahead and motivated to finally make some overdue and greatly needed changes!

"It was wonderful to have you here..."
…It’s obvious that your dedication goes far beyond a paid speaking engagement. It was wonderful to have you here [Iowa Bar Solo & Small Firm Conference/Fall 2006] and I have heard nothing but positive comments.

"It is always a pleasure to help out someone who has mediated through you"
…I wanted to let you know that the ____ [client name omitted to protect confidentiality] finally got their separation agreement signed. It is always a pleasure to help out someone who has mediated through you. The quality of the mediated settlement really stands out.

"Great resource of information"
Nancy offers timely, practical advice for your legal practice. Great resource of information

"..[she] created some awesome resources on risk management and claims prevention."
Although we have never met, over the years I have avidly read and learned a lot from Nancy Byerly Jones. She has written some great articles and created some awesome resources on risk management and claims prevention.

"Nancy is simply a pleasure to have as a speaker."
It has been my pleasure to have Nancy speak two years in a row at our Law Practice Management Institute. In addition to receiving excellent reviews from our audience, Nancy is simply a pleasure to have as a speaker. I look forward to having the opportunity to work together again in the future.

"..publications like yours help bring perspective."
This weekend I pulled out my copy of your “Easy Self-Audits for the Busy Law Office.” It was helpful to me to review many of the sections in that in trying to think through my options. You did the legal community a service in putting that together. I hope others haven’t forgotten what a resource it can be.
I meant all I said as I am not given to false flattery. I have had your book sitting in a bookcase in front of my desk for how many years I don’t know – long enough I still have the 3½ floppy disks too! It’s way too easy to get caught up in the day to day bustle and lose sight of the bigger picture, and publications like yours help bring perspective.