It's great to have support from family and friends as we start and evolve along our personal plant based journeys. These 15 minute (or less) videos regarding my vegan beginnings and beyond are being created to send support to whomever may benefit from my experiences. Hope they do just that and please send me your input for future video topics and other suggestions by clicking here. Thanks, too, for sharing a bit of your day with me.
In this video I share a diversity of plant based and general life changes, positives and learning in my 2022 journey so
If you are thinking about switching to partial or 100% plant based life style, it can be helpful to learn more about
If you are a smoothie nut as I am, you know how much it matters to have the right blender on hand.
Period. My journey into a full time plant based lifestyle began at age 67 and the benefits were almost immediate. Thanks for
Whew! Going full throttle plant base has been one heck of an educational and exciting journey for sure. It's also one of
Heavens, there are so very many tips this ol' plant based lifestyle advocate wants to share with you. But! This 12 minute