"Us" = me, hubby and all our 2 and 4-legged family too!
Need more information? Want to chat briefly with Nancy by phone? If so, please drop us an email request and we’ll reply to schedule a mutually convenient time for you and Nancy to talk.
In 1997 Nancy Byerly Jones and her husband, Bob, established NBJ Consulting & Conflict Resolutions (a/k/a NBJ Consulting & Mediations) a management consulting and mediation service firm. She had previously developed a risk management program for NC's largest legal malpractice liability carrier, practiced law and served as management counsel for the N.C. State Bar.
...Keep a-smiling, folks
Nancy’s consulting work and seminars focus primarily on law firms and corporate legal departments. Bob - until his full retirement in 2000 - oversaw the firm's administrative matters.
Through the years, Nancy has had the pleasure of providing services to many individuals, solo to large law firms, other legal departments and a variety of other interesting businesses as well.
The company’s home base was formerly located in the Europa Center of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, home of the University of North Carolina, the country’s oldest public university. The company was relocated twenty+ years ago when Nancy and Bob made a quality of life decision (and huge leap!) to move to the beautiful mountains of northwestern North Carolina.
In addition to offering a wonderful retreat location for clients, Nancy and Bob moved into their log cabin home and slowly, but surely developed "Little Hee Haw Farm" which also became the loving home for 5 horses and 9 miniature donkeys - many rescues and special needs - (And yep -- Nancy and Bob are the totality of the farm's labor force). Through the years, several of their beloved 4-legged family have passed away and today they share their little mountainside world with 4 big, goofy dogs (3 are #GreaterSwissMountainDogs and 1 part Golden Receiver, Border Collie and who-knows-what-all), 2 loving (and the ultimate bosses whenever they choose to be!) cats, 2 wonderful Tennessee Walkers, 1 standard size rescued donkey (loyal "Sweet Potato") and 7 miniature donkeys who bring on instant smiles with their adorable long ears and always entertaining antics.
A favorite quip of Nancy's is "I'd rather be cleaning the real stuff than having to muck out all the BS in our worlds!" Bob's is "Our 4-legged family are lots more fun to be around than lots of people we've crossed paths with through the years!"
Amen to that!
As NBJ Consulting & Mediations evolved, more and more clients noted the advantages of meeting with Nancy in the mountains or in other locations rather than in their own offices. Of course, on-site visits are often preferred or necessary, but most clients have recognized the benefits of meeting with Nancy away from the busyness and typical distractions found within the typical bustling workplace.
Nancy and Bob are indeed living their dream of creating an informal, mountainside oasis of peace and smiles for themselves, their 2-legged family (3 beloved sons and 7 amazing grandchildren), their 4-legged family and all their friends - their heart-selected family members. It has also been a great location in which their clients can meet, strategize, reach win-win resolutions, learn, relax, play and regroup. And the biggest reward for NBJ Consulting & Mediations is experiencing the company’s motto ( "Helping Clients Build Success Stories That Last.") come to life over and over thanks to the hard and forward thinking efforts of their great clients.
Nancy was quoted as saying ..
"I am honored by Diane's thoughtful review and I am deeply grateful to have someone with her expertise reviewing my book in such detail."
And -- for those who prefer a few more credentials regarding Nancy's background, here you go.
Need more information? Want to chat briefly with Nancy by phone? If so, please drop us an email request and we’ll reply to schedule a mutually convenient time for you and Nancy to talk.