Here's my partial list of petty and not-so-petty things people do that I find aggravating. If, however, we're all being brutally honest with ourselves, we've likely been the aggravating party at times, right? I know I have and while such self-acknowledgment can be painful, it's important so that we're more mindful of not doing any of these annoying things ever again.
So here's my partial list - what's yours?
- A severe lack of empathy by too many people in today's world especially between different age groups ~
- Folks who judge others without all the facts ~
- Someone asking if you need any help with anything while telling you how very busy they are during the same conversation ~
- Chronic conversation interrupters ~
- Maskless people in public (and those wearing masks only over their mouths) - the benefits data for wearing masks is growing daily, but even if it were not, how hard is it really to wear a mask? This. Decision. Should.Not.Be.A.Political.One. Period! ~
- Being told how much someone cares about us while their history of actions (and non-actions) sends a very different message ~
- Folks happy to accept kindnesses, gifts and the like, but who seem lacking in the gratitude department (entitlement issues perhaps, just poor manners or??) ~
- People repeatedly ignoring respectful requests to keep politics out of a non-political conversation ~
- Friends and relatives who only stay in touch sporadically at best, but lots more frequently it seems when they need something ~
- The need to repeat what you've said over and over (not due to a legitimate hearing loss, but rather because of a lousy "listener") ~
- Folks who pout - period. So very unconstructive and in many cases over time, the whining and pouting can prove quite destructive to relationships ~
- People who yawn a lot or eat during phone and video calls ~
- Bullshitters! Beware of all the B.S. in our world and especially alert when it comes to chronic B.S.'ers. They can be realllly smooth at appearing and sounding oh-so-sincere when dishing it out! ~

Keep Imaginary BS Rake On Hand Always