Servings: 2 HEAPING ones or 4 smaller portions
One of our favorite meals is a southwestern style Just Egg breakfast scramble. There's no magic to it - just saute your veggies of choice in olive oil (or vegan butter if preferred) with garlic powder or cloves.
Our typical veggies include: chopped red onion, raw spinach and sliced up fire roasted red peppers (fresh red and/or green peppers are great as well).
I add the spinach after the other veggies have cooked a bit). Next, I pour in the entire 12 ounce bottle of Just Egg and then immediately add and season it all with:
- - Nutritional Yeast (to taste - we like a good bit)
- - Himalayan Pink Salt (a/k/a black salt) - careful here...a little is all you will need. Also, don't be put off my its kind of rotten egg smell - it really does not taste like that and offers recipes a bit of delicious pop. Also, obviously if you use black salt, no other salt is needed.
- - Vegan Cheddar Cheese shreds (Daiya or Follow Your Heart are my favorites) - how much depends on how cheesy you want it, of course.
- - And yep I add more garlic too
- I cook the complete mixture for 5 to 10 minutes on a medium heat setting stirring pretty much constantly. You can tell when they are done and it's best to serve and eat immediately.
- WHERE TO FIND: You can buy the 12 ounce bottles of Just Egg in most groceries these days (not cheap though - around $6-$8/bottle) or order online - 2 pound bags of frozen Just Egg from (a fairly new and wonderful company based on our experience).

You may also love Just Egg's folded egg product. They will will remind you of popups as you can heat them in a toaster, microwave, skillet or toaster oven. They are so convenient and make fast and delicious breakfast sandwiches when we want a nutritious meal, but need to keep our mornings moving.

Before ending this post, you can also make great scrambled vegan "eggs" with tofu, turmeric, garlic, black salt and a nut milk of your choice. There are lots of recipes for tofu scrambled eggs to be found online. Even if you don't like tofu, trust me - you will not know it's tofu and I believe you will be pleasantly surprised by how amazingly good (and egg-like!) they are.