Today I called to change a medical appointment and at the forefront, I wished the person answering my call a good morning and added that I hope she and her family were doing good and keeping their sense of humor in these challenging times. Well! You would have thought I had just announced that she won the lottery with her reaction. I could literally “hear” her smiles through the miles of phone lines between us and I certainly felt her heartfelt gratitude. She thanked me repeatedly during our call for the way I initated our converation and told me how much it meant to her. She explained and we chatted about how the busyness of our days some how gives backburner status to the kindness we show others.

This appointment call ended up being a huge gift to my day and it also blessed me with a helpful lightbulb moment. Yes, I brightened her day, but she did the same for mine. She also reminded me how much it meant to someone that I had put my caring words up front and center in our conversation. So, she was MY teacher today actually and I will make sure I keep doing just that when reaching out to others — whether I know them or not. Thanks for the reminder, Karina — and thanks for touching my heart too.
We are indeed students AND students every single day (IF we are staying in the present moment and don’t miss these invaluable opportunities to give and receive).
“When the student is ready – the teacher will appear.”
(Lao Tzu)