Yes to all who ask me....I am at least 95% SOS free. About six plus months ago I eliminated most salt and all oils from my plant based life style (most all sugar I eliminated in January 2022 --- All alcohol in February 2021).
Do I miss the oils? Not one bit and to my surprise sauteeing and other cooking without them is easy peasy! I use a vegetable broth, a mushroom or sweet corn broth or just plain water to sautee (sometimes things like the liquid in fire roasted tomatoes) ....and, of course, many vegetables we cook release enough water on their own to give us enough moisture without extra broth or plain water (think zucchini, cucumber, summer squash, eggplant, etc.).
I really thought I'd miss the heck out of olive oil not only for sauteeing but in my salad dressings, vegan lasagna, etc....but nope...not one bit.

I gave up desserts about 16 months ago, so my sugar habits have had a good while now to fade away from my cravings and meals....don't miss them either...but! then I am LOTS of nutritiously dense foods with low calorie densities. Bottom line - just too full for dessert any more. Will I EVER eat a dessert again...probably but only a very small portion and one that is made with dates, applesauce or some other healthy sugar substitute.

As for salt, we need some salt, but not nearly as much as most folks consume each day....just be very careful reading labels and estimating how much you're getting every day because our salt portions can sneak up on us fast ... and often in foods that surprise us (e.g. "healthy" cereals, canned veggies, etc.).
Be well and let's all keep evolving our food choices to be the healthiest possible...plant based eating IS delicious, but does take a commitment and patience in learning all the amazing recipes that are available to us. 🌱🌻🌱