Just thinking today about easy it is some times to take our closest friends for granted. If you’re guilty of doing that, make a commitment to change things pronto before it’s too late. Like all worthwhile and beautiful things in our lives, friendships need nurturing and attention. And if we just don’t have the time to take care of them, then we sure can’t act shocked or hurt when they eventually fade slowly out of our lives. True friends lost because of being too busy to take care of these rare, precious “treasures” in our lives remind me of a quote of a Norman Cousins’ quote:
“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”
On a brighter note, let’s make it a point to call a close friend today…not email, not text…a real, live phone call. Our day and theirs will be brighter for it and we’ll have a bit more energy in our steps when we return to the busyness of our days.