A recent "quick" online shopping experience turned into a very extended one which is never fun. However, it also reminded me of something very important. That something is that prompt, caring and solution-driven customer service still makes all the difference to the customer's experience as well as to a company's quality of success. Excellent customer service is needed and appreciated more than ever in the midst of all the upsidedownness of today's world.
My experience with a defective product, lost then found packages and great customer service began this past summer. Technically, it's not over yet, but here's the story.
While browsing around on line, I stumbled upon a small company online that offers stretch bands in a wide array of colors and designs for Apple watches. I was intrigued by their inspiring startup story as college kids and happy to see that they recently started partnering with a group that plants trees for every sale made (according to their website, it's 50,000 already!). I had never had a stretch band for my Apple Watch and besides seeming reasonably priced, they sounded pretty comfortable so my order was placed.
- So here's the short version of my "journey" with Braxley Bands: Bought a band, defective, let company know, told to keep it and replacement would be sent, replacement got lost in mail, they sent me another one, received, worked great, month later original replacement arrives, notify company again, get return label to send it back and I did.
- There were many emails throughout this little 2 month journey with John. He was at all times helpful, a prompt replier, solution driven, kind and professional to boot. Thanks yet again, John! Braxley Bands is fortunate to have you as a company ambassador and I was blessed to have you as my "let's make this right" advocate!
- Some may say John and Braxley Bands were just doing what they should be doing -- resolving a customer issue and that's true. Yet, how many times have we all been unable to get a prompt or helpful response from online retailers? That happens all too often.
Bottom Line --- John's excellent customer service truly mattered throughout two months of email exchanges, returns, lost mail and more -- and all for one little watch band no less.
John was my advocate in helping to resolve this little hiccup in my life and I eventually ended up with a unique and comfortable new watch band. The entire journey was a great reminder of the value and huge importance of excellent customer/client service.

Ditto in being a reminder of how important it is for each of us to give our best efforts to the jobs we take on, to be patient and kind to one another and to always be resourceful and grateful. And, I am indeed grateful for all my many blessings including "meeting" John and for a little watch band that helped to plant a tree I might add!
This reminds me of a recent encounter with one of my own clients. You never know how much “going the extra mile” for a client or customer might just touch their lives. I’m now working for a law firm out of Atlanta that does loan closings with a twist – we go to borrowers’ homes, offices, and sometimes favorite bar and grille, and do their closings right there. I’ve met some amazing people in my 4-month long journey. Young and old, veterans, doctors, lawyers, law enforcement officers, and just good working people. But back in August, I went to the home of a young man who is a teacher and coach. When I made my initial contact with him, he said, “If I’m just a few minutes late, PLEASE wait for me. I’m taking my Mom to her doctor in Charleston. She has cancer, and it is time for one of her treatments.” I told him of course I’d wait as long as he needed me to.
When I got to the house, he’d already gotten his Mom settled in her bed, and we completed the closing. As I was getting up to leave, he asked me, “Would you mind coming in and saying hello to my Mom? She doesn’t get a lot of visitors these days because of the Covid virus, and I know she would enjoy saying hello.” Of course, I went in, and saw such a sweet, beautiful lady, obviously in the late stages of her disease, but with the most gorgeous, friendly smile I think I’ve ever seen. We talked for a little while, and then I left, because it was obvious she was tiring.
A few weeks later, this young man called me to tell me his mother had passed away. He wanted to thank me for taking the time to have a chance to talk to someone other than her doctors, nurses, and caregivers. He told me, “You made my Momma smile.” I was so touched that he would take the time to call someone who was really a stranger to him and let me know of his mother’s passing, just as if I were a family friend. I sat down and cried – for the loss of that sweet angel lady, and for the chance to make a stranger smile.
Oh my–what a heartwarming and sweet moment, Kim. Please keep sharing and please consider being one of our guest contributors–would be honored if you would!