February 14

Conflicts Of Interest

Checking for conflicts of interest before accepting a prospective client is an essential step for all law firms regardless of size or practice areas. Not sure I’ve ever found any employee who raves about doing a conflict check, but I’ve sure found plenty who have no idea why they must be done (poor training for sure and scary!). This quick video reminds us all to respect the importance of searching for and finding any lurking conflicts. There’s also a reminder about the must do step that goes beyond your firm’s conflicts software.

Thanks for watching and please let me know if it was worth your time? Are there any other topics you’d like me to address in a quick how to video? Please send me an email by clicking here and thanks in advance for your input and suggestions.


About the author 

Nancy Byerly Jones

Nancy Byerly Jones and her husband reside on their mountainside ranch (“Little Hee Haw Farm”) with an energetic “family” of horses, donkeys (large and miniature), dogs and cats. Their favorite pastime is sharing the joy and fun of their animals and ranch life with their family, friends and clients.

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